Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS) is a data collection, storage, retrieval, processing and dissemination system specifically designed for use by decision makers and administrators to plan and administor Education System more efficiently and effectively.
- Collection of component parts that include inputs, processes, outputs and feed backs that are integrated to achieve a specific objective
- system of managing a large body of data and information that can be readily retrieved, processed, analyzed, and made available for utilization or dissemination
- Unifying tool in collecting, processing and disseminating the wide range of information to recipient individual or group of data users
- Formal method of providing management with accurate and timely information and data in order for decision making, planning, project development and other management functions and operations can be carried out effectively
- System designed to strengthen educational managers’ capability to gather, store and utilize data and information for their own needs and demand of potential users
- System which all educational mangers should be conscious of and capable of performing either in computer-based or manual - based system
- Improve the quality and integrity of data and information
- Systematize the data need identification, data collection, processing, generation, dissemination and evaluation
- Strengthen the capability to manage, plan, and control the flow of information within and outside of the organization
- Provide the mechanism to meet the increasing demand for data and information
- Produce up-to-date data bulletins, status reports, brochures and other statistics needed for management activities/function
- Provide baseline data and information to generate performance indicators as measuring tools in the attainment of educational objectives and policies, and in setting targets for the sector